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Minamoto Kitchoan

A boutique purveyor of Japanese confectionery with distinctive Oriental flavours.

Working within the confines of a listed building, Oakdenes six-week programme of works saw us utilise our shopfitting expertise to its full extent, commencing with the demolition of the previous stores fixtures to return the unit to a bare shell. The stores concrete floor was ground down to allow for marble floor tiles to be fitted, level with the shopfront entrance. All-new partitions and wall linings were installed ready to accomodate bespoke furniture from Japan. Oakdene also carried out installation of a sprinkler system, and an air conditioning system within a new metal-frame ceiling. Finally, a fully-equipped food preparation area was installed to the rear of the store, to facilitate the on-site manufacture of Minamoto Kitchoans produce.

Project Location: The Strand, London

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